Friday, May 30, 2008

Another Try

Inspiring by HSJ Christian Writer's comeback, I've decided to give blogging another try. Since my last entry, I have published a book and made some progress in my freelancing career. Of course, my love is still teaching. Check out my new book: Regents Global History and Geography.


Mrs. C said...

I caught your post on Heidi's site. Yes, definitely give blogging a go again. I'm stumbling along with it, but it's enjoyable.

Whew, you have truly been busy! I teach, but the idea of writing a full curriculum is daunting. Congratulations!

Mary Ellen

theskett said...

Blogging is great... if you can get a conversation going! It also takes time, but I'm finding if I can get it worked into the routine, it really doesn't take too much time.

Congratulations on writing a full curriculum! How did you find a publisher?

History Teacher said...

Luck has a lot to do with it. One curriculum I wrote happened to be on the movie Crash - at the time very few people actually know about it. The person in charge happens to need someone to get this done. Other times, I just searched Craigslists in all major cities. It's time consuming, but that's the way I find best at this point.

What do you think?

theskett said...

I hadn't thought of using Craigslist in that regard. Mostly I just maintain lists of educational publishers, try about once a month or so to do research, and match project ideas with potential publishers that way. I send out a lot of queries. I also look in my research to see who is publishing what, which helps me match ideas.